Pittsburgh's Ear for Music

A project of Tarsier Music Network.
Serve the communities you love.


Who's in the Header?

Just designed a new header for this blog. It features some of my favorite performers, producers and projects from the city. OK, it's a bit sloppy, I'm working on it... This whole blogging thing is a lot harder than I thought it was gonna be! 

In the meantime, here are the people pictured. Thanks to Kevin Ross, among many others, for being members of the Pittsburgh Paparazzi Project.

EMay (that's me in the top left spinning fire)
Pittsburgh Skyline

My one hope, by doing this blog, is that my list of favorite things in Pittsburgh will expand well beyond this list (though it is much longer already, to be sure... these were just photos I had available). OK, my second hope is that fans and musicians and promoters and spaces can coexist in perfect harmony to create a perfect pittsburgh scene.... Did I mention I'm an optimist?

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