Pittsburgh's Ear for Music

A project of Tarsier Music Network.
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The most destructive element...

...and also the one most ready to be controlled.

Thanks to Johnny Sullivan, I can now eat fire. And it's yummy ;0)

Thanks also to Benzy for introducing me to his ever-amazing friends. I love parties that keep me up until sunrise.
I'm feeling rather thankful... While I'm at it, thanks to Emma for helping me feel like a tourist in my own (beautiful) city. To the Vonderful Vytold for giving us a wonderful reason to celebrate. To Alexandra, for always giving me reason to better myself. To Garvin and Pink-Hat-Burner, for a bit more synchronicity. And to my beloved Chad, for trusting me and encouraging me to do whatever my heart desires.

Love to y'all, I'm off to Radiohead. Check out Bon Iver at the Rex if you are not making it to Blossom.

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